A Foggy Morning at Fort Mason
A Foggy Morning at Fort Mason
Title: A Foggy Morning at Fort Mason
Two Print Options:
1) 12” by 18” Fine Art Paper Print ($85)
12” by 18” print on 13” by 19” paper (A3+)
Recommendation for framing: 18” by 24” frame with a 3” mat. This will have a mat opening of 12” by 18”, allowing for a half inch overlap to tape the print to the underside of the mat. Alternatively, you could frame in a 13” by 19” frame with no mat and the white border will “frame” the image.
2) 20” by 30” Print on Chromaluxe Metal ($425)
The image is first printed on transfer paper and then infused into Chromaluxe metal by heat and pressure. The surface of the print does not show any metal texture. It looks like a normal print, however, the metal backing provides rigidity for hanging hardware meaning that these prints are durable and do not require a frame. Available in gloss, semi-gloss, and matte finish (best for rooms with a lot of glare).